int(802) Digital Signage means unlimited potential for interaction. - Applink English

Digital Signage means unlimited potential for interaction.

Multimedia kiosks, large-scale LED screens and intelligent systems supporting communication and sales are solutions that in recent years have become an obvious element of the functioning of shops, shopping malls and public spaces. Their popularity is directly proportional to their effectiveness. Digital Signage solutions have a number of advantages whose potential is still developing.

Digital Signage is primarily a new quality of communication with customers. While in the case of traditional materials, such as posters, hangers or stands, the message is static and, as a consequence, not very suggestive. However, in the case of LED screens we deal with dynamic content that affects the customer’s imagination in an incomparably more intense way. Excellent quality image, which is clear and bright, emits content that properly stimulates human perception. This is one of the most effective marketing tools.

Digital Signage impact

The impact is mainly confirmed by studies of cognitive scientists who claim that as much as 90 percent of information processed by the human mind is related to the sense of sight. Moreover, the more suggestive and dynamic the picture is, the stronger emotions it evokes. And yet, it is emotions, not rational thinking, that influence purchase decisions. The marketing advantage of large-format LED screens over traditional media is nowadays a matter of course. Properly installed LED screen is an effective instrument to influence the imagination and emotions of customers.

Digital Signage installation quality

The potential of LED screens increases even more when we skillfully strengthens their qualities with the help of innovative constructions. And so, for example, more and more projects for installing LED screens are mobile projects. Depending on the time of day, shopper monements and customer profile, the screen that has been properly installed can automatically move between the floors of the shopping centre. In the morning, the ground floor full of service outlets and large surface stores, draws the biggest crowds. At this time of the day the screen emits content aimed at these clients. However, when the lunchtime comes, more and more people appear in food courts on higher levels. Then, the screen automatically moves up and provides customers with the right content.

Personalization of Digital Signage message

LED screens are also great when combined with the most advanced sales support systems. Transmitters of the size of small stickers, attached to products connected with a network of small receiving antennas inside the store, allow you to create a personalized message. If someone already has gray jeans in their hands, then – for example – a screen placed in the fitting room or behind the cash register will tell them that a blue or a white shirt, available at a bargain price, will go well with them. This type of individual message effect is targeted at a selected client like a specific offer and we can achieve it by various means. Any solution that collects information about our consumer habits, including the loyalty programme, a point card or a payment card can be used to generate relevant content on the LED screen.

Digital Signage and online advertising

Nowadays, the possibilities of supporting sales through Digital Signage systems are extremely sophisticated. Providing clients with a message that meets their needs, habits and tastes is certainly the direction in which the industry will develop. The Internet advertising market has long mastered this art to perfection. Chains of stores and shopping malls are just beginning to mature.

Copyright © by Applink Sp. z o. o. 2020 | Publication: March 25, 2020

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